Tips for Washboard Abs – Hanging Pike

hanging-pike-exerciseThe hanging pike is a great way to work the abs, lats, hip flexors, quads and lower back. However, without performing every piece of the exercise with precision and concentration, it is also a great way to injure yourself.

Make sure to follow the instructions given here completely and always pay attention to your every move while you are working out.

The benefits to the hanging pike are amazing. Your abs get an amazing workout, as do your lats, hip flexors, quads, and lower back.

Without training for this exercise properly, you can easily injure yourself. Pay careful attention to your movements and concentrate on the exercise only. Do not allow your mind to wonder while you are preforming the hanging pike.

How To Warm-up
Warming up is essential because there are so many large muscle groups involved in this exercise. Also, your shoulder, one of the most vulnerable joints in the human body is involved. There are many different ways to injure your shoulder, and this is a type of injury that you do not want to endure.

The Proper Form
The proper form for a hanging pike is fairly simple, yet unbelievably important. Follow every step to ensure your own safety.

Hang from the chin-up bar. Your feet and legs should be together. Make sure to use an overhand grip, your palms should be facing away from you. Your hands should be a little wider than shoulder width apart.
Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Bring your legs forward so that your calves are perpendicular to the floor. This is your starting position.

Pull your legs straight up until your shins almost touch the bar above you. Slowly and in a controlled manner, lower your legs slowly until you reach the starting position again.

Repeat this movement for the number of repetitions necessary to achieve your workout.

How to Cool Down
To cool down from this exercise, it is important that you stretch out your muscles completely. Once you have properly stretched out your muscles, jog for at least 10 minutes. Stretch your muscles again. This will ensure that all of the lactic acid has had a chance to leave your body, which will prevent soreness later in the day, and in the days following your workout.