Tips for Washboard Abs – Suspended Exercises

Suspended Exercises
Suspension exercises can be very risky unless you already have a muscle base to work from. This is because while suspended, the body needs muscle definition to maintain proper posture, alignment and distance between the vertebras.

Another danger is that suspension exercises depend greatly on shoulder strength. The shoulders are the most vulnerable joint in the body, and also the most complex. Because of this complexity and vulnerability, the shoulder is easy to injury and can take a long time to heal. Injury can set your goal behind months, or even years. Depending on the type of injury, it could permanently cancel your exercise plans.

For these reasons, it is important to ensure that you are in top physical condition and that you are physically ready for this type of workout.

There are numerous benefits to suspension exercises. They allow you to use your own body weight as resistance and they require nothing more than something sturdy to suspend from.
There are dozens of exercises that you can do from a suspended position, which makes transition extremely easy. Due to the variety of suspension exercises, some are done in the upright position and others are done in the up-side-down position.

Another benefit of performing suspension exercises is that you have a better range of motion and better control of the weight behind the exercise than you do with dumbbells, resistance bands, kettlebells or other resistance methods.

Warming up for Suspended Exercises
When warming up for suspended exercises, it is important to ensure that your entire body is warmed up. One of the most important steps in performing suspension exercises, is to stretch properly. You should stretch everything from your head to your toes to ensure that you are completely limber and that all of your joints are ready to handle the strain that you are about to put them through.

It is important to get your blood pumping before starting. The more your blood is pumping, the more oxygen you are getting to your muscles. Muscles that are receiving plenty of oxygen are less likely to cramp or be sore later on. The most effective method of getting your blood pumping is to jog or run.
After running, you should preform rotation stretches on your shoulders and hip flexors. Pay special attention to your shoulder joints to ensure that they are ready to sustain you through the exercise that you are about to accomplish.

Cooling Down From Suspended Exercises
Next to warming up, cooling down from suspended exercise is extremely important. Failing to properly stretch after working out can lead to muscle cramps, muscles seizing up and feeling extremely sore for several days after the exercise.

Refueling From Suspended Exercise
Refueling from your suspension exercise is vital to making sure that your body is able to rebuild healthy muscle. Having a protein packed snack and a serving of whole grain carbohydrates can ensure that you have the ingredients to build larger muscles with less recovery time.