Tips for Washboard Abs – Suspended Weight Bearing Exercises

suspended weight bearing exercises
If you are looking for a way to improve your suspended exercise results, adding weight to your exercise can dramatically improve the results you will receive from your workout. You can add weight by either holding a kettlebell between your feet or by holding a dumbbell between your feet.

Weight bearing suspension exercise is not recommended for beginners and you should be able to easily preform suspended exercises without assistance. When you are ready for this type of exercise, your abdomen will already be showing definition, you just need that extra push to bring your exercise to the next level.

This method can be used with any suspension exercise, whether it is chin-ups, gorilla chin ups, suspended leg raises, or hanging pike.

The key to preforming suspended weight bearing exercises is to get a good grip on the weight and make sure to maintain control of it at all times. If it feels as though the weight is slipping, make sure to stop and adjust it so you don’t cause injury to yourself, or the people around you.

Starting Suspension Exercises
When you are first staring out with suspension exercises you will not want to add any weights to your regimen. Your body weight will most likely be enough resistance to sustain your exercise and help you build muscle.

Once you have started showing definition is when you will want to begin adding weights to your suspension exercises.

Adding Weights
When you get to a point where it is safe for you to add weights, you should ensure that you start off with a small amount of weight to prepare your body and teach it what to expect. Add weights five pounds at a time to ensure that your body can handle the transition from one weight to another.

Benefits of Suspension Training
Suspension training, on its own, has many different benefits. It increases strength of your arms, legs and core. It also increases the stability of your core. It contributes to the development of proper posture and spine alignment as well.

When you work out on a regular basis, and perform suspension training exercises, you will notice the development of the arms, legs, hips, shoulders, chest and upper back.

Suspension training aids in developing balance and coordination. As you exercise, especially with suspension training, you are developing a better awareness of the location of your limbs and better control of them.

While your main focus in exercise is to develop better defined large muscle groups. What is going on underneath the surface is that smaller muscle groups are forming inside of your large muscles, adding to the stability of your muscles and increasing the bulk of your large muscles.

Adding Weights Is Not Necessary
While adding weights can be beneficial to your workout routine, it is not necessary. Your body weight should provide enough resistance to help you develop well defined muscles, including well defined six pack abdominal muscles. Adding weights simply increases the resistance, therefore decreasing the time it takes to get from where you are now, to where you want to be.