Getting Washboard Abs Involves More than Just Sit-ups

Getting Washboard Abs Involves More than Just Sit-upsWhen most people think of washboard abs, they think of a guy with ripped muscles doing countless reps of sit-ups. Because this is the assumption of how to develop washboard abs, this is the approach used by many to develop amazing abs. After months of doing sit-ups, straining their back, and seeing no results, disappointment sets in.

The truth is that it takes more than simply thousands of sit-ups to create the abs that you are looking for, especially if you have belly fat. There are many different aspects that go into developing 6 pack abs and the best method of creating ripped abs is to work your entire body to its fullest.


One of the most important aspects of your work out is cardio. This is because it is the most efficient method of burning fat throughout your entire body. Unless you burn the fat that is sitting above your muscles, they will never show, no matter how defined they are beneath the surface.

During a cardio workout, the gelatinous fat that sits on top of your muscles is broken down and burned as energy to fuel your workout.


You will never see six pack abs if you are stuffing cheeseburgers in your face. You must eat a diet that is low in omega 6, high in omega 3 and high in healthy, low-fat protein.

Your diet plays a huge role in how much fat you burn and how defined your muscles become.


Taking individual vitamins serves no purpose. You should take a well-balanced multivitamin to ensure that you are receiving adequate amounts of each vitamin.

The vitamins you take should be well researched, certified and made of quality, pure ingredients. Unfortunately, many of these vitamins are expensive. A cheap vitamin will be made up of low quality ingredients and you will not see the benefits that you are looking for.

Take In More Protein

If you are trying to develop amazing abs, you will need to take in more protein on a daily basis. One way to do this is by supplementing your diet with a protein powder.

Protein powders can be found in almost any health food store or vitamins shop. They can be mixed with smoothies, added to food, or simply mixed in with your pre-workout water.

Stay Hydrated

If you are dehydrated, your body will not be able to eliminate the fat that your burn and you will be fighting against your fat a lot longer than someone who stays well hydrated. You should drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day and supplement with an additional 5 ounces for every 30 minutes of exercise that you complete.

Do Not Over Hydrate

A common mistake that people new to working out make is to over hydrate. This can cause you to develop water weight, or a layer of water between your muscle, fat and skin. This will cause your muscles to appear less defined.

It is important to ensure that your body maintains the proper balance of protein, vitamins, minerals, hydration and movement. Six pack abs will not appear overnight, but through persistence, you will notice your body changing over time.