Tips for Getting Rid of Belly Fat – Adding Weights to Your Cardio Workout

Adding Weight to Your Cardio
Adding weights to your cardio workout carries great benefits. By simply adding weights to your cardio routine, you can burn more water weight and break down more fat at each interval.

The weights do not have to be heavy in order to benefit your workout, whatever weight you can control during the specific workout is optimum. This may mean you need to switch out your weights multiple times during your cardio workout in order to ensure that you are not using too much weight, not using too little weight and that you can safely control the weight.

Interval Cardio Workouts

Your cardio workout can consist of anything that gets your heart rate to its target range. If you are targeting specific areas where fat has built up, you may want to change up the exercises that you are doing regularly to focus fat burning in various areas of your body.

Because of this, it is advisable to keep several different weights handy so that you can change weights easily.

Purchasing an Exercise Program

There are many different high intensity cardio programs available that promote the use of weights in your regular cardio workout. There have been thousands of true success stories developed from the use of these exercise programs and most likely, there will be thousands more.

Understanding Your Limits

It is important that any time you are working with weights, that you pay attention to your weights and your personal limitations. Do not exceed any weight you feel comfortable with in order to push your fat burning to a new level.

Focusing On Your Abs

In order to develop the beautiful 6 – pack abs that you are looking for, you will need to incorporate your abs into your cardio exercises. Adding in rapid crunches and sit-ups with a weight sitting on your chest can dramatically increase the amount of fat you burn in your abdominal area during your cardio workout.

These exercises specifically target the fat that has built up around the mid-section as well as the fat that accumulates on the sides of your back.

You Don’t Always Have to Focus On Abs to Build Abs

Many exercises that are very effective in creating the abs of your dreams do not focus directly on your abs. There are two different methods of working your abs, as a primary focus and as a secondary focus.
Even if an exercise only focuses on abs as a secondary muscle set, you are still working them. So on days when you are not focusing directly on your abs, you can still do exercises that work your abs in a smaller way, therefore not breaking them down as far as you would with a focused exercise.

Great Abs Don’t Always Make a Great Body

While your abs are extremely important so are the rest of the muscles in your body. There is no point in sporting amazing abs next to flabby arms and legs. Make sure to work all of your muscles evenly to build a rock hard body and an amazing all over muscle experience.