Steel Core MMA Abs Workout Routine

Most people think that combat-based games require powerful arms and upper body muscles only. There is no doubt that the girth and overall power of your arms matter a lot. However, this is not the only thing that you will need for winning a game. For combat-based games, you need to generate energy from your core. This is the reason you need strong abs that can help you generate energy. Your arms will only use a good technique to shift that energy from your body to another. The energy that is generated by your arms only will not be enough for a powerful punch. Your strong core is very important to help you become successful in MMA. It is not just limited to MMA, it also includes BJJ, boxing, and Muay Thai as well. Most of the techniques and maneuvers used in MMA will eventually impact your core, however, this should not be the only core training that you have. For MMA training, there are so many different exercises that will not only help with learning techniques but also help with strengthening the body. Even the common aerobic exercises that help with the overall MMA physique are helpful for MMA fighters in delivering better performance. With the help of your daily MMA training, you will see that your core is becoming stronger, your body is shedding weight and your upper body has enough strength to help you deliver stronger punches. Apart from this, these exercises will also help your body gain rhythm that will help you in shifting the body stance.

For the core strength, there are so many different exercises that are recommended for MMA fighters. These exercises will not only help with core strength but also with overall body performance. To help your knowledge in detail about the core exercises, the importance of core strength, and other things in detail, we have listed down everything.

What muscles are targeted in The Core?

Most people think that the core is the same as the abs muscles. So, if someone has abs, they will think he has a strong core. Your core is just a set of muscles, these muscles will help you combine the upper body to the lower body. These muscles will also help you move, rotate, and stabilize the spine. In short, the shock absorption, body rhythm, energy generation, and stance are handled by your core muscles. The muscular area that is located in the abdomen region and very close to the spine will qualify as the inner core. The muscle group of abs, diagram, cervical flexors, pelvic floor as well as multifidus qualify as your core muscles. Your core muscles are used not only when you move but also when you breathe. Apart from the inner core, the body also has an out equally important core. The outer core consists of lats, interior abs muscles, glutes complex, spinal erectors, and hip flexors are included in outer core muscles.

Benefits of Developing Core Muscles

Some of the reasons you should develop the core muscle for MMA training and your healthy normal life include:

·         Core muscles help generate energy

·         Core muscle helps with delivering an improved performance.

·         Core muscles help with better mobility and provide better explosive power as well.

·         Core muscles are helpful body rhythm and improving the defense

·         The core muscle is vital for avoiding the attack and counter-attacking

Regardless of so many benefits, core muscles are the most neglected muscles in your whole body. Even some of the MMA fighters who aspire to become professional MMA fighters one day only rely on plants and crunches. Your athletic core needs more than just a few planks every day. You need a detailed workout plan that will help you develop a stronger core. These exercises will also help you reach a higher level of fitness and you will soon see an improvement in your overall body movement as well.

Some Core Exercises That Can Become a GameChanger

As we have mentioned earlier, core exercises are very important for MMA training. Most people just use planks or crunches and they are not familiar with an overall workout plan that will help them get better abs. some of the best exercises that professional instructors recommended and that you must add to your workout plan includes:


Crunches are great for the abs but for MMA you need to modify your crunches. You can start with simple crunches and then move your way up to bicycle crunches and then Swiss crunches. The mix and match pattern works better because you will not get bored and your body will not settle for just one type only. Crunches are great for the abs as well as back muscles so you will not struggle with your sitting posture as well as your overall movement. It is great for generating energy, together with the MMA training you will see better results because MMA training will help you shed weight.

Lying Leg Raise

Lying leg raise is another very effective exercise that you must incorporate into your exercise plan. Start with lying on the ground and then bend your leg closer to the floor. Now you have to raise your legs like you are kicking the air. Make sure to hold your position for a few seconds before you start the next rep. Each rep is important, so make sure you are completing each rep before starting new. Once you get the hang of it, you will be able to hold your body for long but for the first few weeks, you might struggle.

Dumbbell Side By Side

This exercise is excellent for the core. You just need to hold the dumbbell in both handles and then try to touch your feet with each dumbbell. You need to bend your torso towards each side. This is a great exercise for stretching as well. You will see that in the start, you will struggle with touching your toes but as you work on it, it will get easier.

Hanging Leg Raise

Hanging leg raise is a power pack exercise that is not just helping you engage your lower body but also your upper body. Technically it is a weight lifting exercise because you are not lifting any external weight but the weight of your own body. Apart from this, you are also working on your core. During this exercise, you have to hang with the help of a monkey bar and lift your leg to the level of your waist. This will take only 5 minutes and you will be able to perform 15 to 20 reps easily. However, the main thing is that your hands might get tired because of lifting your body weight so you need to keep that in mind.

Final Verdict

To become a professional, you need to have a full exercise plan. Your exercise plan must consist of your technical training where you learn all the basic attacking and defense styles that you will be using in your fight. Apart from this, there is a very distinct section within the workout plan that most people miss out on. This section includes all the exercises that might not impact your technical aspect of the training, however, they are very important for helping your body get ready for MMA. Your instructor will help you customize and design a workout plan that will be focused on the preparation section of the exercises as well as the technical section. Both these sections are equally important and must not be neglected.