Building Muscle – Full body workouts

Building Muscle Full body workouts
No matter what type of muscle you are trying to develop, whether it is amazing biceps, poppin’ pecks, or slamin’ 6 pack abs, you need to work out your entire body. This is because if you focus on one specific muscle group, you will never have the muscle definition that you are looking for.

Working out is a full body experience. This is because when you are burning fat, you cannot tell your body what fat to burn, it makes this selection on its own, just like it chose where the fat deposited in the first place.

Giving Your Muscles a Break

If you work the same muscles on a regular basis, they become worn down too far and you cannot utilize them in your everyday life. It is important that you burn fat on a regular basis, so you should continue your workout using a different muscle group.

Coming up with a regular exercise plan will ensure that all of your muscles get equal attention and will ensure a rock hard summer body that you will be proud to show off at the beach.

Full Body Cardio

One of the best ways to work your entire body and burn fat is through full body cardio. Once you are able to get through your cardio workout with ease, you can add weight to increase the amount of fat you are burning on a regular basis.

Once you are able to add weights to your cardio workout, you will notice the fat melt off and your muscles will become more defined.

Following Your Workout with Cardio

Lifting weights is not enough to burn fat and build muscle. Once you break down the fat, you need to increase your heart rate and get your blood pumping in order to transport the fat out of your body.

A successful workout involves lifting weights, followed by a full body cardio workout. This allows your body to move the fat to the nearest exit.

Your body has four methods of eliminating fat.

In the first method, the blood brings the fat cells to the capillaries under the skin. The skin then secretes the fat through your pores with sweat.

The second method is through using the fat as fuel. Once fat is broken down, the body can use it as fuel to get you through the rest of your workout. This is why it is so important to follow your workout with a cardio routine.

The third method of elimination is through your urine. Staying hydrated can ensure that your blood is able to carry out this process effectively. The average person should drink at least 64 ounces of water per day. You should increase your water intake by at least 5 ounces for every 20 minutes of exercise you preform.

The fourth method is through the digestive system in the form of elimination. The fat is dropped off in the intestines and it is eliminated with food waste. Again, staying hydrated will ensure that your body is able to carry out this action effectively. It is also recommended to increase your fiber intake to help this process along.

Burning Belly Fat

Belly fat is the most stubborn fat known to man. It is the most difficult to get rid of because it is stored in a semi-stationary part of the body. It requires a lot of effort to burn because there are not as many active muscles in the abdominal area as there are in the arms and legs.

If you have been doing abdominal exercises, chances are you already have a 6 pack developing underneath your belly fat. Increasing the duration of your cardio workout or increasing the amount of weight you use in your cardio workout can help motivate this pesky belly fat to leave faster.

Click here to download our free e-book, “Burn Your Belly Fat”.