Tips for Washboard Abs – Exercise Ball Pull-In

Working Your Abs While StationaryIf you are looking for a great way to work your abs, the exercise ball pull-in is a great method. There is more than one muscle group targeted in this exercise, including:

• muscles in the abs
• muscles of the hips
• muscles in the thighs
• muscles in the pelvis

This exercise is easy to preform, whether you are at home or at the gym. It is important to have a soft surface to land on in case you slip and fall while performing the steps of this exercise.

This is a great exercise for women especially, who can easily develop problem fat in these areas. It is also a great way to tighten these areas after having a baby or after surgery involving this area.

If you have any back or neck problems, you should not perform this exercise except under the supervision of a professional.

The exercise ball pull-in is a powerful exercise that provides benefits without all of the fancy equipment that you find in a gym. It can be completed in the privacy of your own home, without the watching eye of other people at the gym.

This exercise targets muscles of more than one part of the body. It includes the stomach, hips, lower back and thighs. It can improve posture and coordination. Not only will it be strengthening the muscles associated with these areas, but it also strengthens the ligaments in these areas as well.

How to Warm-up
In order to warm up for this exercise, it is important to stretch out your entire body. It is recommended that you jog for at least 10 minutes in order to get your blood pumping and your energy level up.

When stretching, it is important to focus on the arms, back, abdominal, thighs and hips. The stretching session should last for at least 10 minutes before jogging and then again after jogging to ensure that the muscles and ligaments are ready to workout.

The Proper Form
In order to perform this exercise, you will need an exercise ball and a blue mat. The blue mat should be in place to protect yourself from slipping. If you slip and fall from on top of the ball, you could hurt your knees, face or neck.

Using a large exercise ball, place yourself in the push-up position. Place your shins on top of the exercise ball. Ensure that your back is completely straight. Pull your knees in and toward your chin. Allow the ball to roll forward and under your ankles.

During the peak of this movement, contract your abs and then bring your legs slowly back to a straightened position. The ball should roll back to its starting position.

How to Cool Down
In order to cool down from this exercise, it is important to jog for at least 10 minutes to remove all of the lactic acid from your system. After jogging, you should stretch all of your muscles for at least 10 to 15 minutes to prevent stiffness.